All school doors are locked from 8:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. To be admitted to the building, please ring the doorbell located on the left-hand wall. Bins are located outside the main entrance doors for homework, lunches, instruments, library books and other items your child may have forgotten. Please do not disturb the office staff, simply leave these items in the bins. They are checked on a regular basis and will be delivered to your children in a timely manner. Visitor parking is available from 9:00 -2:30 in either parking lot.
Schedule for Student Progress Reports Kindergarten: Parent-teacher conferences in the fall. Two written reports will be issued during the year (Feb. & June) Grades 1-5: Parent-teacher conferences in the fall. Three written reports will be issued during the year Special Area Reports are distributed are distributed three times per year.
State regulations and the Board of Education policy require that parents be informed that they may request a copy of pupil records upon the child's departure form the Ridgewood Public Schools. If you wish to have a copy, please direct you request to the school principal. If you are moving out-of-state or your child is going to attend a private school and you wish to have records forwarded to the new school, please complete and sign a Release Form.
State regulations and the Board of Education policy require that parents be informed that they may request a copy of pupil records upon the child's departure form the Ridgewood Public Schools. If you wish to have a copy, please direct you request to the school principal. If you are moving out-of-state or your child is going to attend a private school and you wish to have records forwarded to the new school, please complete and sign a Release Form. If you are moving to another community in New Jersey and your child will be attending public school, we are required by law to forward a copy of mandated records to the new school district within ten days of notification that your child has enrolled. If you would like to have records sent in advance, please complete and sign a Release Form. Parents may make an appointment with the principal to review their child's record at any time.
The Hawes School staff has developed the following policy concerning homework. Based on the idea that homework constitutes a significant positive extension to schooling.
The Hawes School staff has developed the following policy concerning homework. Based on the idea that homework constitutes a significant positive extension to schooling. Beginning in first grade, a ten-minute homework assignment is suggested this will be increased by ten minutes at each grade level thereafter. By fifth grade, most students are expected to complete fifty minutes of homework each night from Monday through Thursday.
For example, a first grader may be requested to locate magazine pictures related to an area of study. A fifth grader may be requested to write a short report, complete a math assignment, read a library book or textbook, or prepare a current events report. It is suggested that a regular time be established for completion of homework each day and that parents monitor and maintain supportive involvement with homework assignments. GRADES 1-2 For first and second grade students, homework guidelines are established by the teacher Students need to be responsible for the care of their homework books and for remembering to bring them to and from school each day. With parental support, the homework system will work effectively. Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday.
GRADES 3-5 For third through fifth grades students, the teacher establishes homework guidelines. The students will be expected to record their own assignments in a "planner" that is ordered by the school. Parental support and feedback is essential to teach students the skills. VACATIONS/LONG ABSENCES - As a matter of practice, we discourage removing students from school for lengthy periods for vacations. That being said, we realize that this sometimes takes place. Parents should understand that when students are absent for extended periods, it is impossible to replicate the classroom experiences their children will be missing. A great deal of school work and learning takes place as part of the daily interactions between the teachers and their students and also among students. Teachers are often asked to provide homework when students are on vacation. This can be very challenging. Since so much of the work in reading and writing is differentiated and specific to each child, it is impossible to monitor a child's growth when he or she is not in attendance. If parents provide sufficient advance notice, teachers will be happy to share upcoming topics of study for the students, but may not be able to provide specific assignments. If students are absent from school, they should still be reading for at least thirty minutes per day and also continue to practice their skills as a writer when away from school. The teachers will also save any work to be given to the children upon their return to school.
Placement of your child for next year is a thoughtful process in which many variables are taken into consideration. We make every effort to create the most productive educational environments possible for all children. Some factors considered are: - behavior patterns (self-discipline, work habits) - emotional and social growth (maturity) - academic strengths/weaknesses (to avoid imbalance) - necessary friendships/separations - boy/girl ratio - opportunities for leadership - attitude (motivation and enthusiasm) Please be assured that many hours are spent determining your child's placement. When class placement decisions are made, it reflects our best judgment on individual and group needs. In fairness to all students and their parents, we do not accept parent requests for teacher/class placement. If however, your child has a special need that is not known to his/her teacher or the child study team, we will be happy to discuss this matter with you. Since our teaching staff and the child study team know the children quite well, the need for special conferences should be extremely rare. Your cooperation in allowing us to effectively and fairly place every Hawes child is greatly appreciated.
* The achievement of levels of proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics skillsconsidered to be minimum for the grade level (including state established proficiency levels on standardized achievement tests where available.) * Satisfactory progress in meeting goals and objectives in each area of the curriculum as assessed by the report card. * Social and emotional maturity appropriate to the grade level and necessary for a successful learning experience. * Satisfactory attendance 2. Subsequent parent-teacher conference would be held during the spring as needed. Alist of tentative non-promotions would be submitted to the principal in writing by the end of March. 3. The Child Study Team may be consulted by the teacher and/or parents at any time during this process. The Learning Consultant should always be a participant inany conferences concerning non-promotion. 4. Around May 1st, teachers and the principal review each case in order to make a final determination if possible. 5. Teachers conduct a final parent conference with parents of each child in whichnon-promotion is the decision. 6. If strong parental objection exists, a parent may request a meeting with the principal to review the decision. After the conference with the principal, the parentwho still has objections may contact the Superintendent of Schools