Student Entrances & Exits

Student Entrances and Exits

Arrival at School:

The front parking lot is reserved for buses.

Students arriving by car will be dropped-off in the back of the school following the drop-off procedure.

On good weather days, students will enter through the following designated areas:

     Kindergarten - back door, playground side
     First Grade - front main door
     Second and Third Grade - side door (picnic tables)
     Fourth Grade - side door (art room/Stevens Ave.)
     Fifth Grade - back door (closest to Stevens Ave.)

In the morning children line up at assigned entrances and will be welcomed into the school by a Teaching Assistant.

On bad weather days, students will be admitted into the building upon their arrival.  When entering, they should wait quietly in the hallway next to their classroom door.

Dismissal from School:

Students should exit school at dismissal from the following areas as indicated:

     Students Leaving By Bus will be dismissed through the front doors at the direction of their bus supervisor

     Students who are Walkers will be dismissed through the doors exiting to the picnic area

     Students Being Picked-Up by Car will be dismissed through the art room doors to the cars on the pick-up lane.

Name in Window of Car - we are asking that all parents post a small sign with the child's last name in the passenger side window of the car.  As the teachers or teaching assistants see the names, they can call those children to be picked-up.  This new process will also help insure that all drivers stay with their cars and continually keep moving forward.

Thank you to everyone, always, for all your safe driving and making our drop-off and pick-up systems as safe as possible.