Hawes Home & School Association
Description of Board Position Duties (2-year term):
President: The President(s) shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board; shall attend meetings of the Federated Home & School Association; shall be a member of the ex-officio of all committees except the Election Committee; shall appoint special committees when needed; shall address concerns of any association members and shall set the calendar with the 2nd Vice President and Principal. He/she shall also perform all other duties customarily pertaining to the office.
Vice-President: The Vice-President(s) shall assist the President and shall have such other duties as the President may assign; and shall perform the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to do so. He/she shall attend the Home & School meetings and the Executive Board meetings, attend committee meetings at the request of the President. The VP will be responsible for organizing committee chairs/volunteers and be responsible for scheduling student assemblies funded by the HSA with the approval of the Executive Board. The Vice-President will prepare detailed notes of each program and/or assembly for future use by the Association members. The VP will also oversee the preparation of the Hawes Directory and receive status reports from standing committees.
Treasurer: The Treasurer(s) shall receive all monies of the Association; shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures (subject to audit); and shall pay out funds only in such manner as authorized by the Association. The Treasurer(s) shall prepare a monthly statement of account. these statements will be presented at every meeting of the Association, and other times when requested by the President. The treasurers shall make a full report at the end of his/her term. The Treasurer will collect dues as authorized by the Executive Board. He/she will attend Home & School meetings and Executive Board meetings. He/she shall attend committee meetings at the request of the President. He/she will receive status reports from standing committees.
Corresponding Secretary: The corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association not handled by the President, included, not limited to, invitations to school events, cards and letters to Association members and other general correspondence; shall be responsible for sending gifts according to approved gift giving guidelines; shall distribute to or handle mail for the President; shall prepare reports for the Association meetings regarding correspondence and gifts; shall attend committee meetings at the request of the President; shall receive status reports from standing committees; and shall attend Executive Board meetings. He/she shall provide hospitality for and attend HSA meetings. Also responsible for hospitality for Farewell parties, staff breakfasts and the Parent/Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.
Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall attend and keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board; shall attend committee meetings at the request of the President; shall record approved amendments to the By-Laws; shall prepare organized files of the minutes, and file reports from standing committees to give to the next succeeding Recording Secretary; shall receive status reports from standing committees.
Last updated: 8/6/17