As Adopted October, 1998 adjusted 2011 and 2017
The organization shall be known as the Hawes Home and School Association, Inc. (HSA). The principal office of the Association is located at 531 Stevens Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450.
- To aid and promote educational progress and the well-being of the children in the Hawes environment.
- To bring about a closer relationship of the Home and School so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the children.
- To furnish a medium for social contacts among parents, children, and teachers.
- To introduce and/or create an interest in educational concepts to ensure that the most effective teaching procedures are used in our schools. This should include the concern to maintain adequate facilities and staff.
- Hawes Home & School Association, Inc, is a non-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. The Association is organized and operated exclusively to foster the education of Hawes students. No part of any earnings or revenue of this organization will be operated so as to qualify as an exempt organization under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1986 or any successor provisions of law.
- This association shall be non-sectarian, non-commercial and shall not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. No commercial enterprise or any candidate shall be endorsed by the Association. The name of the Association or its officers in the official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern, or any political interest, other than the regular activities of the Association. The name of this Association may only be used for the regular activities of the Association.
All parents or legal guardians having children attending Hawes School and staff members of the school are members of the Association.
Dues will be assessed annually per family by the Home & School Executive Board Failure to pay such dues shall not bar any person from membership or voting privileges.
Section A: Officers of the Association shall be: two (2) Co-Presidents, two (2) Co-Vice-Presidents, two (2) Co-Treasurers, two (2) Co-Corresponding Secretaries and one (1) Recording Secretary. The Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers shall be elected by the Association. The school principal shall act as an advisor to the Association. These nine (9) officers shall comprise the Executive Board. Terms of elected office shall be for two (2) years. No member of the Executive Board may hold more than one (1) elective office at a time. Any of these officers may be elected to another position on the Executive Board for only one additional consecutive term.
Section B: The Election committee shall be chaired by a former Association President who will solicit nominees through notice to all Association members (i.e. Weekly Notices). This Election committee will be a standing committee which will solicit the general association in a search for nominees. Any person or co-candidate wishing to serve on the Executive Board should submit their name(s) to the Election Committee for consideration. The Election Committee after careful consideration shall prepare a list of nominees and notify the Executive Board. Consent of the nominees must be secured prior to the election. All the nominees must be members of the Hawes Home & School Association. Nominees shall also attend the March Home & School Meeting (every other year, during an election year). Nominees will be presented to the Association at the March Home & School meeting.
The sample ballot of nominees will be available to all members of the Association at least three (3) weeks prior to the election for review. If anyone wishes to nominate themselves or someone other than the recommendations made by the Committee, additional names may be submitted to the Election Committee up to one (1) week prior to the election. The Association will be notified of any additional names that will appear on the ballot prior to the election. The election will take place by private ballot submitted to the office to confirm or deny the nominees. The duties of office shall be assumed at the June meeting (every other year in an election year).
Section C: In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the Co-President; a Co-Vice-President shall succeed to the presidency and complete the term of the previous Co-President. Other vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Board.
Section D: If any officer is temporarily unable to perform his/her duties, the Executive Bard shall appoint a temporary replacement.
Section A: The Co-Presidents shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board; shall attend meetings of the Federated Home & School Association; shall be a member of the ex-officio of all committees except the Election Committee; shall appoint special committees when needed; shall address concerns of any association members and shall set the calendar with the Principal. He/she shall also perform all other duties customarily pertaining to the office.
Section B: The Co-Vice-Presidents shall assist the Co-Presidents; shall have such other duties as the Co-President may assign; and shall perform the duties of the Co-Presidents in the event the Co-Presidents are unable to do so. They shall attend the Home & School meetings and the Executive Board meetings and attend committee meetings at the request of the Co-Presidents. The Co-Vice-Presidents will be responsible for organizing committee chairs/volunteers and be responsible for scheduling student assemblies funded by the HSA with approval of the Executive Board and the Principal. The Co-Vice-Presidents will prepare detailed notes of each program and/or assembly for future use by the Association members, and will receive status reports from standing committees.
Section C: The Co-Treasurers shall receive all monies of the Association; shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures (subject to audit); and shall pay out funds only in such manner as authorized by the Association. The Co-Treasurer shall prepare a monthly statement of account. These statements will be presented at every meeting of the Association, and at other times when requested by the Co-Presidents. The Co-Treasurers shall make a full report at the end of their term. The Co-Treasurers will collect dues as authorized by the Executive Board. They will attend Home & School meetings and Executive Board meetings. They shall attend committee meetings at the request of the Co-Presidents. They will receive status reports from standing committees.
Section D: The Co-Corresponding Secretaries shall conduct the correspondence of the Association not handled by the Co-Presidents, included, but not limited to, invitations to school events, cards and letters to Association members and other general correspondence; shall be responsible for sending gifts according to approved gift giving guidelines; shall distribute to or handle mail for the Co-Presidents; shall prepare reports for the Association meetings regarding correspondence and gifts; shall attend committee meetings at the request of the Co-Presidents; shall receive status reports from standing committees; and shall attend the Home & School meetings and Executive Board meetings. They shall provide hospitality for and attend HSA meetings. They are also responsible for hospitality for farewell parties and the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.
Section E: The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board; shall attend committee meetings at the request of the President; shall record approved amendments to the By-Laws; shall prepare organized files of the minutes, and file reports from standing committees to give to the next succeeding Recording Secretary; shall receive status reports from standing committees; and shall attend Home & School meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Section F: The Principal shall attend Home & School meetings and Executive Board meetings (as needed) to present school issues and exchange information.
Section G: The general duties of the Executive Board include but are not limited to, goal setting, projected budget preparation, and those duties listed in Article VI.
There shall be such standing committees created by the Executive Board as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of the Association. The Executive Board will solicit the Association for volunteers to serve as chairpersons. Chairpersons of these standing committees shall be selected by the Executive Board. These chairpersons shall select individual members of the respective committees except for the Election Committee. These committees will be listed in the Home & School Directory. The chairpersons of all standing committees shall attend Home & School meetings before and after their events, or provide timely updates to the Executive Board and present plans of their work to the Home & School Association for their approval. The Executive Board shall monitor activities of the standing committees and approve those activities between Association meetings. The outgoing chairpersons of standing committees shall submit to the Executive Board a summary of their work. These summaries and all relevant material will be passed on 30 days after the completion of the event to the Executive Board.
The Home & School Board shall consist of the Executive Board (see Articles IV Section A), the chairpersons of standing committees, and special representatives. The Principal may also appoint a teacher representative as a member of the Home & School Board. The Home & School Board shall transact necessary business between Association meetings by a simple majority vote; shall consider and act on all suggestions presented to it by members of the Association, individually or at general meetings; shall approve the plans of work of standing committee chairpersons; and shall present a report at the regular meetings of the Association. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Home & school Association shall be held in September, November January, March and June. A June business meeting (in an election year) will be conducted by the incoming Home & School Board for the purpose of goal setting, budget approval, calendar approval and any other business that arises. Special meetings of the Home & School Board may be called by the Co-Presidents or by a majority of the Board. At a meeting at which a quorum is present, a majority vote of those present shall constitute an act of the Home & School Association. Any committee chairperson or Executive Officer who has been negligent in his or her duties may be replaced at the discretion of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VII Amendments
- Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed at any regular meeting. Such amendments shall become a matter of record in the minutes. Amendments may also be proposed by the Executive Board between regular meetings Written notices of proposed amendments and a ballot shall be transmitted to all Association members.
- Adoption of such By-Law amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of the ballots returned.
- The Election Committee shall tabulate and announce the results at the next Association meetings.
Section A: The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern this Association in all cases to which they are applicable.
Section B: A quorum shall consist of five (5) HSA Executive Board members at a regular meeting of all members of the Association. A majority vote would consist of 5 votes by Executive Board members, representing a majority of the 9-person Executive Board.
Section A: The responsibilities of the incoming Board shall take effect at the June business meeting in an election year.
Section B: A June business meeting will be held for the purpose of goal setting, budget approval, calendar approval, and any other business that arises.
- The Home & School Association will collect dues from its membership.
- Funds needed for the operation of the Association shall be obtained through collection of membership dues and through approved fundraising activities.
- The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30 of the subsequent year.
- At the close of each fiscal year, the books and records of the Co-Treasurers shall be audited by the incoming and outgoing Co-Treasurers, and incoming and outgoing Co-Presidents. The books will be closed and transferred to the new Executive Board by July 15 in an election year.
- Regular meetings of the Association shall consist of five meetings annually, including a business meeting in June.
- Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Co-Presidents or a majority of the Home & School Board.
- The meetings of the Association shall be open to the general public but the privilege of holding office, making motions, and voting shall be limited to members of the Association.
- The Executive Board of the Association should meet monthly from September through June of each school year to discuss relevant issues, and to share updates of committees and budget updates from the Co-Treasurers.
Upon dissolution of the Association, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Association, dispose of the remaining assets of the Association for the benefit of the Hawes children as decided by the Association at the time of the dissolution exclusively for one or more exempt purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future Federal tax code), or shall distribute the same the Federal government, or to the state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by order of the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey in the judicial district where the Association is located, exclusively for such purposes, or to such organizations, organized and operated exclusively for such purposes, as said Court shall determine.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Article I. Name
The organization shall be known as the Federated Home & School Association, a NJ Nonprofit Corporation, of Ridgewood, NJ also referred to herein as the “Association.”
Article II. Mission and Policies
Section A: The mission of this Association is to:
Provide for closer relationships and increased cooperation among the Ridgewood Public School Home and School Associations.
Enhance the educational opportunities of students served by the Ridgewood Public School District.
Study questions affecting Ridgewood schools, including those referred by parents, teachers, administrators or members of the community, and recommend action concerning such questions.
Section B: The Association is a non-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. It is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The Association is organized and operated exclusively to foster the education of Ridgewood students. No part of any earnings or revenues of the Association will inure to the benefit of any individual. No substantial part of its activities involves attempting to influence legislation or the outcome of any political campaign. The Association shall be operated so as to qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor provisions of law.
Section C: The Association shall be non-sectarian, non-commercial and shall not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. No commercial enterprise or any candidate shall be endorsed by the Association. The name of the Association or its officers in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern, or any political interest, other than the regular activities of the Association. The name of this Association may only be used for the regular activities of the Association.
Section D: No part of the earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these By-laws and the Association's articles of incorporation.
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Section E: The Association shall not carry out propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these By-laws, the Association shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of the Association as set forth herein or in its articles of incorporation.
Section F: Any proceeds from Association fundraising efforts shall be used to directly enhance the educational opportunities of students served by Ridgewood Public schools. Distribution of such funds will be voted on by the Membership in accordance with the provisions laid out in Article VI.
Article III. Membership
Membership shall consist of the Officers (as defined in Article IV hereof), the presidents of each Ridgewood Home & School Association, the president of the Learning Services Home & School Association, the Superintendent of Ridgewood Schools, and one representative from the Ridgewood Board of Education. Sitting ex-officio as a non- voting member will be the President of The Foundation. Each member, other than the Superintendent of Schools and the Ridgewood Board of Education representative, shall have the right to vote on any matter presented to the members of the Association for approval. Each such member shall, hereinafter, be referred to as a "Voting Member."
Article IV. Officers
Section A: Officers of this Association shall be a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and a Member-at-Large.
Section B: The Association shall have an Executive Committee which shall be comprised of the Officers.
Section C: A Nominating Committee shall be formed for the purpose of nominating the Officers. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of 3 Association members (including a chairperson, but excluding any non-Voting Member) and shall be appointed by the President. The members of this committee shall be considered ineligible for any nomination. The Nominating Committee, after careful consideration, shall prepare a list of nominees which will be presented at the April meeting. All nominees shall be selected from present and/or past Association members. Consent of the nominees must be secured prior to the election. Additional nominations may be submitted in writing within one (1) week after the April meeting. If additional nominations are received, the election will be by written ballot.
The election shall take place at the May meeting. The duties of office shall be assumed at the June meeting. The term of office is one year. Officers may serve on the Executive Committee for no more than three (3) consecutive years. By mutual
agreement with the Nominating Committee, Officers may serve in one position for two (2) consecutive terms of office.
Section D: In the event a vacancy occurs, the office shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee and confirmed at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Article V. Duties of Officers
Section A: The President shall:
preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee;
be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee;
at their discretion, meet with the Superintendent and/or one representative of the Board of Education monthly to maintain an open line of communication between the HSAs, parents and Ridgewood Public Schools;
perform all duties customarily pertaining to the office.
at their discretion, be a member ex-officio of other organizations as requested
Section B: The 1st Vice President shall:
act as an aide to the President;
meet with the Executive Committee upon notice by the President or a majority of the Officers;
perform the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to do so; organize and coordinate fundraising effort(s) and the Crossing Guard reception held in late spring in cooperation with the 2nd Vice President;
meet with Middle School and High School Home & School Association Presidents to discuss matters of mutual interest.
Section C: The 2nd Vice President shall:
assist the President and 1st Vice President as needed;
meet with the Executive Committee upon notice by the President or a majority of the Officers;
assist the 1st Vice President in fundraising effort(s) and the Crossing Guard reception;
coordinate communication regarding HSA safety issues as needed.
meet with the Elementary Home & School Association Presidents to discuss matters of mutual interest.
Section D: The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
keep minutes of all meetings of the Association;
meet with the Executive Committee upon notice by the President or a majority of the Officers;
conduct correspondence on behalf of the Association as needed;
receive all monies of the Association;
keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures;
pay out funds only in such a manner as authorized by the Association; coordinate meeting(s) with the HSA Treasurers and the professional Accountant act as liaison to any financial institutions with whom the Association conducts business.
Section E: The Member-At-Large shall:
assist the President on special projects as needed;
meet with the Executive Committee upon notice by the President or a majority of the Officers;
be responsible for procuring and managing issues related to insurance (including Liability, Directors’ and Officers’ insurance) for the Association with the professional insurance carrier;
oversee the coordination between RPS and the HSA produced student directories.
Article VI. Meetings
Section A: Meetings of the members shall be held monthly, September through June. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Association members. A member of the Association unable to attend an Association meeting may send a substitute from their Executive Board. Such substitute shall have the voting privileges of the member he/she represents.
Section B: For purposes of voting upon any transaction or matter presented to Association members for approval at a meeting and except as otherwise provided by statute or by the Association's articles of incorporation, a quorum shall consist of ten (10) Federated Home & School Association Members, provided that six (6) of the ten (10) are not on the Executive Committee.
Section C: If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of Voting Members represented at the meeting shall be the act of the members, unless the vote of a greater or lesser number is required by law or the Association's articles of incorporation.
Section D: Whenever Voting Members are required or permitted to take any action by vote, such action may be taken without a meeting on written consent, setting forth the action so taken, signed by the members entitled to vote thereon.
Article VII. Parliamentary Procedure
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and to the extent that they are not inconsistent with these By-laws.
Article VIII. Amendments
These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Voting Members present at a regular meeting or by a quorum at a special meeting called for that purpose, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment[s] is given 30 calendar days prior to the meeting at which the amending action is proposed to be taken. As an alternative, written notice may be sent to members, and the amendment shall be passed by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Voting Members by returning a ballot within 10 calendar days reply in the affirmative.
Article IX. Dissolution
Upon the dissolution or other termination of the Association, no part of the Association's property shall be distributed to or inure to the benefit of any private individual, including without limitation, any of the members or Officers of the Association, but all such property, subject to the discharge of valid obligations of the Association, shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such property not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes
The By-Laws of the Association were originally adopted on October 1, 2009, and amended on March 4, 2010, February 2012 and March, 2015. This document, dated November 12, 2015, updates and combines all previous amendments and therefore supersedes all prior versions of the Association's By-Laws.
Last Updated: 8/10/16